Kevin Emore

Kevin Emore ’99, an expert on counterterrorism and international relations, returned to campus in November to share some thoughts on leadership. Nearly 100 students and faculty showed up in Gardiner Library to hear his presentation.

“I learned more about leadership in my two years at T-P than in four years at West Point,” said Emore. “Leading your peers is the most difficult thing you’ll ever do. As an officer in the Army, when someone you outrank doesn’t listen to you, he can go to jail. As a captain, proctor, or prefect, you develop leadership skills when someone says, ‘Why should I listen to you?’ ”

Leadership involves knowing and caring for people. Emore learned this at T-P as head prefect and hockey captain, in the military as a field artillery officer, and in his work with refugee resettlement and counterterrorism. If a leader truly cares about his people, all his other actions and decisions fall into place.  

Emore also emphasized the importance of gratitude, demonstrating genuine appreciation for the opportunities available and for the efforts of others. “When I arrived as a junior, Mr. Foster told me I better take this opportunity seriously because my parents were stretching themselves to send me here. His words kept me focused and grounded.”

“You can read all the books you want about leadership, but if you don’t care about your peers, or your subordinates, they will see right through it, especially when the going gets tough. At T-P, I was surrounded by humble leaders who genuinely care about this community. The Fosters, Kelloggs, Reades, Taylors, and so many others, have made the School part of their family. They quietly showed me how to lead.”