Trinity-Pawling School Class of 2023

The excitement of Trinity-Pawling’s 116th Commencement Weekend was felt across campus on Saturday, May 27, 2023. The sun was shining, the blue and gold Trinity-Pawling banner hung proudly on Cluett, and hundreds of family members and friends filled the tent on the quad to celebrate the graduating class.

Donning their blue blazers, the graduates of the Class of 2023 sat alongside each other in All Saints’ Chapel and on the quad one last time — looking back on their years of accomplishments and memories at Trinity-Pawling and looking ahead at their next great adventures.

In the days leading up to this milestone, we asked members of the Class of 2023 a series of three questions about their time in the Pride. In celebration of their graduation, we are pleased to share some of their answers with the Trinity-Pawling community.

What is one word you would use to describe your senior year at Trinity-Pawling?

Popular answers included:


What will you miss most about Trinity-Pawling?

The Top 10 responses:

10. The Phoenix
9. Faculty dogs
8. The pond
7. Softball on the quad/Coratti Field
6. Chapel Talks
5. Head’s Holidays
4. Dorm life
3. Competing in the Founders League
2. The teachers, faculty, and staff
1. The close-knit community

Now that you are graduating, what is your BEST piece of advice for underclassmen to make the most of their time at Trinity-Pawling?

Here’s what the graduates had to say:

“Get involved.”

“Do the right thing, always.”

“Meet people outside of your friend group.”

“Just get in the action…don’t stand back and watch.”

“Work hard and make friends.”

“If there is something you want to do in life, use the tools and resources you’ll find here because this is the best place to start.”

“Always put your brothers first.”

“Be where your feet are.”

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius

“Be yourself.”

“Do the work and go to Chapel.”

“Make the most of your time here, because in the blink of an eye it will all be gone. Use this place to become the best version of yourself. Everything you need to become successful is available to you.”

“Give a Chapel Talk.”

“Meet everyone on campus.”

“Keep working until you reach your goals.”

“Find a mentor, and take advantage of the different things T-P has to offer (like a new sport or club).”

“Work hard in every facet of life at Trinity-Pawling.”

“Don’t blink and don’t waste a minute with the fellas.”

“Be a good person, it’s that simple.”


On behalf of the entire School community, we extend one more heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2023! We know you will continue to leave your mark on the world, just as you left it on Trinity-Pawling School.

by Emma Quigley